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What does it need to start a successful enterprise? Expertise and experience... years of planning... tedious research... feasibility and market studies... and of course enough capital, the bigger the better. Conventional wisdom demands that these, at least, must be there.

STEFTI, then, is an anomaly. There was so very little of these when the school started.


Expertise and experience? STEFTI started when 4 young retirees from a private school was struck with the wild idea of setting up a tutorial center. These were Ms. Babylyn Duran (now Añover), Ms. Tetett Mandreza, Ms. Poi Nalda, and Ms. Didits Palami. You could say that their experience in a private school should count for something. However, working as a teacher and in the school office and then going about setting up and running a school can be compared to playing in a barangay tournament and then going to the PBA. On a scale of 1 to 10 with the latter as highest, the rating would probably be a “4”, and that’s being generous.

Years of planning? In aggregate time, more like days. There were really no serious planning sessions, only informal chats from time to time. Chutzpa, nerve, gall – call this whatever you like. You could also call it poor planning. Rating: “2”

Tedious research? Feasibility and market studies? Zilch. Zero. Nada. Rating: “0”

Capital? A nightmare. They planned to use whatever remained of the small retirement pay each one had received, considerably diminished after initial individual splurging. Mentioning the combined amount would be an embarrassment so let’s just go to the rating: “1”


STEFTI should never have gotten off the ground, or should have crashed shortly after take-off. But some other factors that had not been considered came into play.

First – the ladies believed in their idea. They refused to think about their lack of experience. In merciful, blissful unawareness they just plunged ahead... never thinking of failure... believing they could do it.

Second – others came to believe in them and in their idea. Mrs. Sonia C. Palami who had just left her old school came in with her vast experience in the field of education and in running a school. Mr. Dan Palami also came in and added capital to the tutorial center. Some members of a prayer group – the Cornerstone Faith Community – came in, too, and with the ladies set up the foundation. Jacques and Brigitte van Ypersele pledged their support, by collecting donations from generous benefactors in Belgium.

The tutorial center, called “The Learning Place” was finally set up in a rented building along Zamora street in downtown Tacloban. Classes for toddlers started on July 3, 2001. Requests to open classes for older children kept pouring in so that by July 16 learning groups for  Nursery, Kinder, and Prep were organized. By this time, Perl Abesamis(+), Bolet Nalda, Leny Paulo, Didith Pretencio, Leah Villaflor, and Narnette Batayola (now Redrendo) had joined the staff. Dodo and Aping Borromeo were taken in as utility workers.


The Learning Place was humming along nicely. Pay was small but a lot of positive intangibles came with the job. There was genuine camaraderie among the staff. Meals and snacks were often shared in common, with food easily available from the many food stalls in the area. Small victories were celebrated with a bottle of wine. A vendor selling native delicacies somehow found her way to the center and her goodies soon became a regular dessert. On this diet, the lowly-paid staff at least looked “healthy”.

An added bonus were the “ukay-ukay” stores that abounded in the area. The staff soon became experts in picking out inexpensive, second-hand classy clothes. Aside from looking “healthy” they now were also fashionably dressed.

Things could have gone on placidly this way, but God had bigger plans ahead. Many parents were clamoring for an elementary school. So, too, were former co-teachers. The Learning Place staff had by this time joined a prayer group – the “Cornerstone Faith Community” (CFC). The Learning Place people and some leaders of the prayer group agreed to come together to discuss the possibility of setting up an elementary school. The meeting was scheduled for June 24, or “THE 24TH DAY OF THE SIXTH MONTH”. Take note of the date.

Everyone realized that an elementary school would be an infinitely bigger enterprise. This would need much more in terms of planning, logistics, permits and other requirements, not to mention money. The night before the meeting therefore, on the evening  of June 23 some CFC leaders prayed and asked the Lord for guidance. They sought His word, and the answer He gave: Haggai 1:13-15.

“I am with you, says the Lord. Then the Lord stirred up... the spirit of all the remnant of the people so that they came and set to work on the house of the Lord of hosts... “ON THE 24TH DAY OF THE SIXTH MONTH” (June 24)

Through God’s word, several things were therefore made clear to the group that met on June 24.


“I AM WITH YOU”: God was with the group in the plan for the elementary school. On reflection, they realized this was not just their plan; it was His plan for them, and He must have been leading them all along. It was the Lord who planted the germ of the idea for a tutorial center in the hearts of the four pioneering ladies.

“They came and set to work on the HOUSE OF THE LORD... “ This would be God’s school. Christian formation should be an important part of STEFTI’s mission. Children and even staff would be formed along Gospel values. This explains why school personnel are made to undergo spiritual formation through membership in the Cornerstone Faith Community.

“On the 24th DAY OF THE SIXTH MONTH” (June 24): the Lord had even chosen the particular day on which the group would meet to talk about the elementary school.

Having been given the “Go” signal, the group spent the next few months in frantic search for a school site. After considering several properties they finally chose the present site in Brgy. Abucay.

The land and initial buildings would run up to several   millions – an amount humanly impossible for the foundation. But then they had a backer -  the greatest anyone could have. “I AM WITH YOU”, He had told them, and God was indeed true to His word. Over the months money for the land and buildings came in a steady flow just enough for their needs. God was touching the hearts of countless generous benefactors in      Belgium through the tireless efforts of Jacques and Brigitte van Ypersele.

And that is how STEFTI began.


  • 2001

    • July 2, 2001 - Blessing of the Learning Place Officiating Priests: Rev. Fr. Ivan Petilos & Rev. Fr. Jose Luis Salazar, S.J.
    • July 16, 2001 - Learning groups for 4-6 year-olds were organized. 26 Nursery, 25 Kinder and 19 Prep pupils
    • September 26, 2001 - COMIDE remitted the first amount of $82,522.20 to the STEFTI account in Tacloban.
    • November 17, 2001 - Groundbreaking, Aguirre Lot, Brgy. Abucay
    • November 20, 2001 - SEC Registration
  • 2002

    • May 17-19, 2002 - Live-in Seminar Workshop on Vision-Goals Setting, Macarthur Park Beach Resort, Palo, Leyte
      Facilitator: Mr. Jim Paredes of APO Hiking Society
    • June 7, 2002 - DepEd grants permit to operate Pre-Elem and Elementary
    • June 15, 2002 - Inauguration & Blessing of STEFTI Buildings: Nazareth, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Galilee & Cana
    • June 17, 2002 - Maiden regular operation Pre-Elem: 16 classes Complete Elementary: 13 classes
    • October 23, 2002 - Government Recognition for Pre-Elementary and Elementary
  • 2003

    • March 1, 2003 - First Elementary Graduation No. of Graduates: 54 First Honors: Angelica Grace P. Gabriana
    • March 7, 2003 - Granted Permit by His Excellency, Pedro R. Dean, D.D., Archbishop of Palo to have the Blessed Sacrament reserved in the Prayer Room.
    • August 23-25, 2003 - 1st Visit of Jacques & Brigitte van Ypersele
  • 2004

    • March 29, 2004 - Dedication of STEFTI Auditorium
    • August 19, 2004 - Blessing, Mount Tabor Building
  • 2005

    • February 23, 2005 - Visit of the Ambassador of Belgium, Christiaan Tanghe
    • March 12, 2005 - Ratification of HSCP Constitution and By-Laws First Chair of the HSCP Board of Directors: Mr. Roberto D. Gabriana
    • August 19, 2005 - Blessing, Jordan Building
  • 2006

    • August 24, 2006 - Blessing, Mount of Olives Building
    • November 28, 2006 - DepEd Regional Press Conference held in STEFTI
  • 2007

    • June 2007 - Opening of High School Department No. of Students: 109 Dynamic Learning Program used in High School Curriculum. - Blessing, Emmaus Building
    • September 28, 2007 - HSCP initiates Sports Development Program
  • 2008

    • June 2008 - Blessing, Antioch Building
    • October 20, 2008 - Grandslam: STEFTI Drum & Lyre Corps Banda Rayhak Competition 2008
  • 2009

    • April 28-May 3, 2009 - Site of Palaro Volleyball Games
    • June 2009 - Progressive Classes introduced to Grades I and IV Classes - First AFS Foreign Exchange Student enrolls in STEFTI: Felix Schrimpf from Germany
    • October 12, 2009 - Government Recognition for High School
    • December 2009 - First AFS-Jenesys Program Student Scholar from STEFTI visits Japan: Megan Alexandra Cariaso
  • 2010

    • April 10, 2010 - First High School Graduation No. of Graduates: 51 Valedictorian: Megan Alexandra Cariaso
    • October 1, 2010 - Inauguration of the Administration Building with Archbishop Jose Palma, D.D.
  • 2011

    • May 6, 2011 - Naming of STEFTI Auditorium as “Perlita Ramo-Abesamis (PRA) Auditorium” and Announcement of the Perlita Ramo Abesamis Scholarship for the Performing Arts
    • June 2011 - STEFTI steps into the “Classrooms of the future” with DIWA GENYO e-Learning, as the first school in Region 8 to integrate ICT in the curriculum
    • Sept. 22-Oct. 2, 2011 - 10th Foundation Anniversary: “A Decade of Blessings”
    • October 1, 2011 - Blessing of the Genyo Extension rooms and STEFTI Powerhouse by Fr. Jett Laurente
    • October 26, 2011 - Grandslam: STEFTI Braves Elementary Basketball Team, 2009, 2010, 2011 City Meet Champions
    • November 18, 2011 - Mass followed by the Groundbreaking: Garden of Saints & STEFTI Vocational School Building
    • November 30-Dec. 1, 2011 –DepEd Division Elementary Press Conference held in STEFTI
    • December 2011 - First AFS-JENESYS Program Teacher Scholar from STEFTI visits Japan: Leah P. Villaflor
  • 2012

    • March 28, 2012 - Certificate of Program Registration from TESDA given to Vocational-Technical School for Pipefitting and Welding
    • April 4, 2012 - Inauguration of the STEFTI Vocational- Technical School Shop of St. Joseph)
    • June 18, 2012 - First Vocational-Technical School Graduation No. of Graduates for Welding: 22 for Pipefitting: 16